Edit Standings for Football Pickem and Survivor Pools | HelpDesk | OfficePoolStop.com

Edit Standings

Pickem Leagues (Pickem, Confidence, Play Money)

We allow you to edit the standings of the most recently processed week. A week is processed after the last game of the week (typically Monday night). If you need to fix the Standings for the current week, use the 'Submit Picks For Player' page instead. If you need to fix the standings for a week prior to the last processed week, you can submit a ticket but we'll probably grumble about it. :)

Survivor Leagues

Managers can only submit picks for players for the current week.  Managers can also give an eliminated player a new life simply by changing their status from 'Out-of-Lives' to 'Active' on the Manager -> Change Player Status page.

Starting in 2019 Survivor managers will be able to edit the number of player lives.
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